Project Proposal
YELOA Greenspace
The proposed partners in this proposed project are:
The Yuma East Country Club (YECC) is incorporated as a Arizona non-profit membership entity.Membership in YECC is optional and is purchased in yearly increments.
The Yuma East Lot Owners Association (YELOA), an Arizona non-profit membership entity comprising all lots in Yuma East Phases XXXXXX. Membership in YELOA is mandatory for Lot Owners
Yuma East Condo Associations One and Two.
YECC owns a large lot consisting of 2.82 acres (122,800 sq feet)
The club house is approximately 5065 sq ft, not counting the pools and support structures.
The structures-inside the taller fence/building sides (including the pools, shuffleboard court, gallery and support equipment and storage)- enclose approximately 23900 sq ft 20% of the total land surface.
Approximately 30,000 are set aside for parking.
There are approximately 72,000 sq ft of land currently unused and covered with grass.
This land represents the land potentially available for community development by the proposed partners
Value Added to Lot/Condo Owners Property and YECC
The additional income provided by the envisioned lease would help YECC maintain and enhance its programs and services.
The existence of a viable Country Club/Social and Activity Center is believed to add value to each property in the Yuma East Community.
The Project(s):
The Partners propose to enter into a lease to provide for future development of some or all of the 72,000 sq ft of currently unused grassy area for benefit of the Yuma East Community.
Any future use would be for activities that would complement but not compete with current or foreseeable future YECC programs or activities.
Possible uses include but are not limited to:
A fenced dog park(s).
Walking Trails
Covered picnic areas.
Community Gardens
An outdoor Gazebo or stage that could be used for music, movies under the stars, an outdoor venue for use by YECC for activities, etc,
Additional landscaping to enhance the visual appeal of the property and provide shade for picnic tables, park benches.
A replacement perimeter wall, fence or divider.
Development Unresolved Issues:
A determination of the improvements to be implemented and the associated space needs and costs needs to be completed prior to project approvals.
Such a plan would include consideration of the following:
Zoning Approvals from Yuma County
Ability to obtain insurance at an affordable cost.
Approval of the YECC Board as prospective lessors
Approval of YELOA Board
Approval of One or both condo units.
Constructions costs
Necessary Access controls
Legal approval of any proposed lease
Preferences of the membership expressed through a survey or meeting.
Available financial reserves sufficient to fund the project through the life of any lease.